John E. Clark
(1933 – 2024)
(210) 733-6030Litigator, prosecutor, judge, administrator, writer. In a legal career spanning more than 50 years, John Clark combined substantial measures of state and federal public service with private practice. He served as the United States Attorney for the Western District of Texas; as a Justice of the Texas Court of Appeals (4th District); and as a litigation attorney in the Criminal Division of the United States Department of Justice. During his tenure as United States Attorney, he was a member of the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee. While engaged in private practice he chaired the National Institute of Corrections Advisory Board and the Texas Ethics Commission and served as a member of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. He was a founder of the National Association of Former United States Attorneys and is a past president of that organization. In 2013, the San Antonio Bar Association awarded him its Lifetime Achievement Award, the Joe Frazier Brown, Jr. Award of Excellence.